Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sustainable Development

Development work from simple to complex requires the use of natural resources provided by nature. Human beings can't make physical resources. They depend on natural resources from nature. However, a few resources are perennial i.e they are available constantly and perpetually. They never get finished by human use, i.e solar enery, wind, tides, etc. Natural resources are used to fulfill the needs of the present generation.
However, they also need to be conserved, stored or protected for use by future generations. This core concept of utilizing natural resources economically and selectively in order to ensure that there are enough resources conserved fotr thr coming generations is known as sustainable use of natural resources.

Infrastructures of Development

Infrastructures are the basic services and facilities provided for the economic and social development of a country. A stable government is quite essential in order to utilize means and resources and to construct infrastructures of development for proper implementation of development projects.
Skill manpower only can utilize means and resources for the development of the nation. Uneven topography of Nepal has proved to be a boon to the nation. In the north, there are snow-clad mountains which are the sources of hundreds of perennial rivers. These rivers provide drinking water and be used for irrigation, hydroelectricity, water mills etc. Rafting can attract a large number of tourists. The magestic mountains and the beautiful hills are the centres of attraction for thousands of tourists. The hills are ideal for many types of cash crops. The fertile plain in the Terai produces a large amount of food crops and cash crops as well. Thus, geographical diversities have made Nepal naturally rich.
In order to utilize natural means and resources we need to have trained human resources. We have learn a lot from developed countries of the world in order to develop our nation Nepal. Therefore, we have to use the following means and resources to9 the fullest possible extent.

Components of Development

Development is a multidimensional aspect of growth embracing physical, emotional, intellectual, social, perceptual and personality development.

It's components are:
1.Life-sustenance:pattern of resource that aims to meet needs includes
a.Carrying capacity
b.Natural systems

Website Development

The process of website development enables the business owner to give their dreams expression on the internet. It has to be considered as the stepping stone to the greater understanding of the objectives of the business and the people who own it. With the website development team in place, the business can start to make an impact on the online business and collect the customers will guarantee the long term future of the organization. Therefore the website development has to be taken with a great deal of seriousness. It might require a certain level of resources and it is important these are invested wisely so that the company can get the full benefits of website development.
One of the advantages of website development is that it allows the website to establish the qualities of a niche provider of services. The process of website development will force the company to review all its procedures in order to ascertain whether they meet their specific needs of their audience. This audience consists of all those profiled surfers which the website might like to attract and retain. If the website continues to develop good practice it might end up being a niche provider for that service and will have a loyal fan base that is almost unshakeable by the vagaries of the market. In order for this to happen the services on offer have to be of the highest quality.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Introduction to Development

Development is a dynamic process of positive changes that improve theliving standard of the people. People,their families,communities,villages and cities always are in the process of change and development. People utilize various means and resources to make life better and easier.
Many people relate development to economicprogress but only economic programs cannot be considered as development. Development is not only the fulfilment of physical requirements but also improvement in social,cultural and institutional aspects of society. The prosperity of a few people can't be considered as development. When allo the people in a country can enjoy better facilities,then the country can take the path of development.
Some countries in the world have made rapid progress in all fields of life which are called developed nations. Their living standard is high,such as in the USA,Canada,Britain.Developed countries have high economic and technological progress and high per capita income. There are many countries in Africa,Asia and Soth America which have slow pace of development and such countries are called developing countries.There are still a few countries where people still live primitive life without any modern means and facilities. Such countries are underdeveloped countries.It has been very difficult to develop these countries due to geographical,historical,political,economic,social and cultural reasons.
Generally, the countries which have low per capita income and low progress in economic and technological fields are called developing countries. We need different means and resources for development. We need strong economy and manpower to mobilize such means and resources.
Thus, manpower,money,machine and materials are essential to carry out any development work.The countries where the manpower is skillful well trained have made tremendous progress in science and technology and they have wisely utilized available resources and achieved highest level of development.

Importance of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development has two key purposes:

To provide maximum welfare to the people in order to live a quality life, and to maintain the balance of environment through human effort.

a. Appropriate use of resources:The principle of sustainable development teaches people how to manage and use all types of resources wisely and economically. It emphasizes the saying "Waste not,want not".
b. Sense of responsibility:Sustainable use of resources creates awareness in the people about conserving the limited resources.The people take the responsibility of preserving,protecting and conserving the resources as a common property of every person,irrespective of nationality and economic status.
c. Development based on people's participation:The principle of sustainable development encourages local people's participation in development work creates a strong impression of ownership over their local resources and the development work.Thus, the people conserve and utilize their local resources wisely which ensures the durable nature of development.
d. Determination of the limit of development: Development work should be carried out within limits as per the bearing capacity of the earth so that non-renewable and limited resources are saved to meet the future requirements.n

Role of Himalayas in Development

Nepal is known as the land of the Himalayas.The Himalayas extend all over Northern Nepal and occupy nearly fourty percent of the total area of the country.They consist of several parallel ranges,one higher than the other.The higherr Himalayas are perpetally covered with snow,that's why they are called the Himalayas.I
n Sanskrit, "Himalaya" means the abode of snow.The highest peak of our country Nepal is Mt. Everest which is of about 8,848m high.Other highest peaks are Kanchanjunga,Lhotse,Cho Oyu.These peaks attract climbers every year.On one hanhand the Himalayas are taken as a graet hindrance to the development of our country as they cover a large part of our country.They are totally unfit for cultivation,a big area of our country is a huge waste.Transport is difficult across the mountains and people cannot easily travel from one part of the country to another.Some parts of the Himalayas are inaccesible and inhospitable.
Though the Himalayas are obstacle to the development of our country,we derive many bebefits from them.They stand as sentinels on our northern border.They form an insurmountable wall and protect us from enemy attacks.Because of the Himalayas,we don't have to deploy a big army on our northern frontier.The Himalayas also protectus from the cold winds blowing from the central Asia.Were it not for the Himalayas, the climate of Nepal would have been awfully cold in the winter.
All Himalays supply our rivers with water.All our big river originate from the Himalayas.They are useful for irrigation and generating electricity.A number of hill stations can be developed in these regions.The Himalayas are full of fine scenery and attract a large number of tourists ansd climbers.The influx of tourists is helping us to earn a large amount of foreign currency.The slopes of the lower Himalayas are rich in minerals,soft-wood trees,medicinal herbs and cash crops like tea and cardamom.Thus, the Himalayas are useful to us in many ways.