Sunday, June 13, 2010

Introduction to Development

Development is a dynamic process of positive changes that improve theliving standard of the people. People,their families,communities,villages and cities always are in the process of change and development. People utilize various means and resources to make life better and easier.
Many people relate development to economicprogress but only economic programs cannot be considered as development. Development is not only the fulfilment of physical requirements but also improvement in social,cultural and institutional aspects of society. The prosperity of a few people can't be considered as development. When allo the people in a country can enjoy better facilities,then the country can take the path of development.
Some countries in the world have made rapid progress in all fields of life which are called developed nations. Their living standard is high,such as in the USA,Canada,Britain.Developed countries have high economic and technological progress and high per capita income. There are many countries in Africa,Asia and Soth America which have slow pace of development and such countries are called developing countries.There are still a few countries where people still live primitive life without any modern means and facilities. Such countries are underdeveloped countries.It has been very difficult to develop these countries due to geographical,historical,political,economic,social and cultural reasons.
Generally, the countries which have low per capita income and low progress in economic and technological fields are called developing countries. We need different means and resources for development. We need strong economy and manpower to mobilize such means and resources.
Thus, manpower,money,machine and materials are essential to carry out any development work.The countries where the manpower is skillful well trained have made tremendous progress in science and technology and they have wisely utilized available resources and achieved highest level of development.

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