Sunday, June 13, 2010

Development in Nepal

The world contains big and small countries.Nepal is a small and poor country.The population of nepal is around seventeen million.Nepal is known to be a developing country i.e on it is on the process of development.

For the development of Nepal,lots of hardworks anf co-operation among all the citizens is necessary.Also the literacy rate is to be increased as it helps to aware the people to take part in the process of development.According to the literacy rate in nepal,in 2001 AD,it is about 54.1 percent.Our country is poor in minerals but the lack of minerals has been compensated by hydro-electric power.We have some hydro-electric projects in operation,while some big projects are under construction.

There are big industries at Biratnagar,Janakpur,Birgunj and Bhairahawa.The main hindrance to the progress of our country is the shortage of roads.If more and more roads are to be constructed then our country Nepal will achieve greater progress in the field of development.Nepal is slowly marching ahead on the road to development.We should all work together for the prosperity of our country.

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