Sunday, June 13, 2010

Role of Himalayas in Development

Nepal is known as the land of the Himalayas.The Himalayas extend all over Northern Nepal and occupy nearly fourty percent of the total area of the country.They consist of several parallel ranges,one higher than the other.The higherr Himalayas are perpetally covered with snow,that's why they are called the Himalayas.I
n Sanskrit, "Himalaya" means the abode of snow.The highest peak of our country Nepal is Mt. Everest which is of about 8,848m high.Other highest peaks are Kanchanjunga,Lhotse,Cho Oyu.These peaks attract climbers every year.On one hanhand the Himalayas are taken as a graet hindrance to the development of our country as they cover a large part of our country.They are totally unfit for cultivation,a big area of our country is a huge waste.Transport is difficult across the mountains and people cannot easily travel from one part of the country to another.Some parts of the Himalayas are inaccesible and inhospitable.
Though the Himalayas are obstacle to the development of our country,we derive many bebefits from them.They stand as sentinels on our northern border.They form an insurmountable wall and protect us from enemy attacks.Because of the Himalayas,we don't have to deploy a big army on our northern frontier.The Himalayas also protectus from the cold winds blowing from the central Asia.Were it not for the Himalayas, the climate of Nepal would have been awfully cold in the winter.
All Himalays supply our rivers with water.All our big river originate from the Himalayas.They are useful for irrigation and generating electricity.A number of hill stations can be developed in these regions.The Himalayas are full of fine scenery and attract a large number of tourists ansd climbers.The influx of tourists is helping us to earn a large amount of foreign currency.The slopes of the lower Himalayas are rich in minerals,soft-wood trees,medicinal herbs and cash crops like tea and cardamom.Thus, the Himalayas are useful to us in many ways.

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