Sunday, June 13, 2010

Develpoment in Nepal:In past and in present

The people of our country are divided into classes and sub-classes.They speak differnt dialects,wear different kinds of clothes and eat varieties of food.The people living near the southern border are Mongolian stock,while those near the southern border are of Aryan origin.The rest of the peopole are the Gorkhalis and the Newars.These all different people are of different religion and racial classes.Even though these people live in peace and harmony in the context of the present state.

But, a few years ago, Nepal was a backward country.It was split into different cities.Different parts of Nepal were scattered and there was no unity.It was then ruled by the Rana family.People were not free to take decision.They were treated like slaves like a bird in a cage.In 1960,the party system of democracy was replaced by the Panchayat System.But now we have a democratic government again and people have got freedom.They have got freedom to live their way and to take decisions.

From the above context, we came to know that Nepal once had a really critical and poor days.And comparing the present day of Nepal with the past, we can see lots of progress in Nepal.All the nepalese have the same hope further smooth development in our country Nepal.

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